Vintage Comics

Libri e pubblicazioni dedicati alla Golden Age e all'illustrazione della prima metà del XX secolo.

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Pangur Bán
view post Posted on 2/8/2016, 20:00 by: Pangur Bán

Spirito con la Scure



Raduno in questo topic le seganalazioni di volumi dedicati alla Golden Age e all'illustrazione della prima metà del XX secolo.

Illustration Magazine #49


Casa editrice: Illustration Magazine
Data di pubblicazione prevista: agosto 2015 (stando al sito della casa editrice)
Prezzo: $ 15,00

In this Issue of Illustration, we feature the lurid and spectacular art of John Newton Howitt, best known for his terrifying covers for Horror Stories pulps in the 1930s, as well as for his superhero pulp covers for The Spider and Operator #5. Our story features rare photographs, tear sheets, and stunning reproductions of original artworks. Our second major feature concerns the work of the legendary illustrator Gustave Doré. While generally known for his black and white art, our story features many reproductions of his less often seen color paintings. Our final story is a new column by David Saunders - each issue will showcase an obscure artist from the history of the pulps, drawn from the extensive archives of his website, Book reviews, exhibitions and events, and more round out the issue.

The Golden Age - Masterworks from the Golden Age of Illustration vol.1


Casa editrice: The Illustrated Press
Data di pubblicazione: aprile 2015
Formato: 9,25''x12,25'', HC, 224 pagine
Prezzo: $ 44,95
Tiratura: 1.000 copie.

From 1880 to 1950, during the "Golden Age" of illustration, spectacularly talented artists produced hundreds of thousands of images for magazines, calendars, books, advertisements, and much more. In the days before radio, the movies, or television dominated the entertainment world, PRINT was the preeminent media, and the illustrated magazine cover was at the center stage of American visual culture.

This book celebrates this glorious period in art history, lavishly presenting the work of 154 artists with 218 full page reproductions of original paintings, some of the finest images produced during the period, all photographed directly from the original art. Not a text book or a history book, this new volume is a stunning PICTURE book, filled to the brim with eye-popping visuals.


The Golden Age - Masterworks from the Golden Age of Illustration vol.2


Casa editrice: The Illustrated Press
Data di pubblicazione prevista: luglio 2015
Prezzo: $ 44,95

In the days before radio, movies, or television, print was the dominant entertainment media. From roughly 1880 through the 1930s (and slightly beyond) a 'Golden Age of Illustration' flourished. Newspapers, magazines, and books were covered with beautiful images, and the illustrators who created the brilliant artwork for these publications were superstars. This glorious new book collects the work of over 211 of the greatest illustrators from the period, presenting their masterworks in beautiful full page, full color reproductions-with every iconic image photographed directly from the original artwork. Produced and edited by the publisher of Illustration Magazine, this book is a collection that no fan of classic illustration art will want to miss.

American Chronicles: The Art of Norman Rockwell


Artista: Norman Rockwell
Casa editrice: Skira
Dimensioni: 24 x 28 cm
Pagine: 200
Illustrazioni a colori: 166
Rilegatura: Cartonato
Prezzo: € 40,00

Catalogo della mostra, tenutasi a Roma da novembre 2014 a febbraio 2015, dedicata al grande artista Norman Rockwell.

Acuto osservatore della natura umana e narratore di talento, Norman Rockwell (1894-1978) ritrasse la società americana in evoluzione con le sue illustrazioni minuziose e lievi, dirette al cuore più che alla mente, tanto da guadagnarsi l’appellativo di "Artista della gente".
 Le sue tavole hanno descritto per più di cinquant'anni (dagli anni Dieci agli anni Settanta), sogni, speranze ed ideali, riflettendo e allo stesso tempo influenzando comportamenti e pensieri degli americani del XX secolo.
 L’arte di Norman Rockwell è entrata nelle case di milioni di americani illustrando i ruggenti anni venti, la grande depressione, la seconda guerra mondiale, gli anni cinquanta e sessanta. Le sue opere rispecchiano con accurato realismo aspetti della vita dell’uomo medio americano, trattati spesso con vena umoristica.

Il volume accompagna la retrospettiva romana che per la prima volta propone in Italia oltre cento opere provenienti dalle collezioni del Norman Rockwell Museum di Stockbridge, presentando capolavori amati e conosciuti come il Triplo autoritratto (1960), Ragazza allo specchio (1954) e il Critico d’arte (1955) e opere iconiche come The Runaway o The problem we all live with, che interpretano talvolta con ironia, talora con occhio accorto, settant’anni di storia americana.

Nel catalogo la produzione dell’artista è analizzata sotto molteplici punti di vista: nei saggi di Danilo Eccher e Stephanie Haboush Plunkett, curatori del catalogo, l’opera dell’illustratore viene contestualizzata e messa a confronto con i capolavori della storia dell’arte che l’hanno influenzata. Il testo di Laurie Norton Moffatt ripercorre la storia della collezione del Norman Rockwell Museum di Stockbridge, prendendo in analisi le tavole in mostra. Infine, Linda Szekely Pero ripercorre la vita dell’artista, mettendo in luce gli affetti e gli aspetti della vita quotidiana e privata che traspaiono nelle tavole realizzate per le più grandi riviste americane.

Mostra a:
Roma, Fondazione Roma Museo, Palazzo Sciarra
11 novembre 2014 – 8 febbraio 2015

L'edizione in italiano è già disponibile, quella in in inglese uscirà a fine settembre 2015.

The Golden Age - Masterworks from the Golden Age of Illustration vol.3


Casa editrice: The Illustrated Press
Previsto per agosto 2015
Lingua: inglese
Formato: 9x12 pollici, HC, 224 pagine
Prezzo: $ 44,95
Tiratura: 900 copie

This book presents a glorious survey of over 220 full-page, full-color masterworks from the Golden Age of Illustration, 1880-1960. As before, every iconic image is photographed directly from the original artwork, and virtually every major illustrator from the period is represented. Produced and edited by the publisher of Illustration Magazine, this book is a collection that no fan of classic illustration art will want to miss.

La Special Edition limitata a sole 100 copie è già sold out:

Alcune pagine:

Dean Cornwell: Dean Of Illustrators


Autore: Patricia Janis Broder
Artista: Dean Cornwell
Editore: Balance House/Watson Guptill
Anno di pubblicazione: 1978
Lingua: inglese
Formato: 10,75 x 11,75 pollici, HC + sovracoperta, 240 pagine

Regarded as the “Dean of American Illustrators,” Dean Cornwell was the instructor and idol of a generation of illustrators and his work was admired in households across the country. His work appeared in such popular magazines as Redbook, The Saturday Evening Post, Harper’s Bazaar, Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping and many more. Exquisite visual form and color spring to life from the illustrations of stories, historical events, and commercial products. His work reflected the interests, concerns, and dreams that characterized each of five decades. His immense technical skill enabled him to paint in different styles and adapt to the needs of his varied assignments. The reader will encounter hours of aesthetic and historical richness from this well-balanced collection.




Nuova edizione degli anni 2000:


RGK: The Art of Roy G. Krenkel


Pubblicato da Vanguard
Anno di pubblicazione: 2005
Lingua: inglese
Specifiche: 8,5 x 11 pollici, copertine morbide, 132 pagine
ISBN-10: 1887591524
ISBN-13: 978-1887591522

RGK: The Art of Roy G. Krenkel Hardcover Edition

Pubblicato da Vanguard
Anno di pubblicazione: 2005
Lingua: inglese
Specifiche: 8,5 x 11 pollici, cartonato, 132 pagine
ISBN-10: 1887591532
ISBN-13: 978-1887591539

E' stata prodotta anche la Ultra Deluxe Edition (tiratura da 120 copie, prezzo: $ 250,00) e la Deluxe Slipcase Hardcover Edition.

The Collectors Book of Virgil Finlay


Pubblicato da American Fantasy
Anno di pubblicazione: 2014
Lingua: inglese
Specifiche: 9 x 12 pollici, cartonato, 208 pagine (48 pages of color (including roughs & 2-color pieces) and 160 pages of text and Black & White artwork)
Prezzo: $ 125,00
ISBN-13: 978-0990784609

Commentary on Virgil Finlay by two of the field's foremost pulp art collectors: Robert Weinberg and Doug Ellis.
Buckram-bound regular edition with thick boards, acid-free paper and smythe-sewn. 400 copies.
Signed by Robert Weinberg, Douglas Ellis and Robert T. Garcia.

Virgil Finlay was the premier illustrator of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror fiction in the pulps from the 30s through the 60s. This beautiful art book features art from the collections of Robert Weinberg, Doug Ellis, Glynn Crain, and Robert Wiener. Released at the World Fantasy Convention in conjunction with the Centenary celebration of Finlay's birth, this collection contains some of the finest reproductions of his B&W work to date, with most printed at their original size, so you can truly appreciate his fine artistry. The color pieces have been printed with a 200 LPI press, assuring a beauty and faithfulness to the image hard to surpass.

Illustration Magazine #52


Pubblicato da Illustration Magazine
Data di pubblicazione prevista: maggio 2016
Prezzo: $ 15,00

We feature the spectacular art of Al Buell, best known for his sexy pin-up illustrations of the 1940s and '50s. Our feature includes dozens of reproductions taken directly from the original art, previously unpublished pencil sketches, and color preliminary studies. Our second feature concerns the work of the legendary illustrator John LaGatta, whose painterly and sophisticated renderings of sexy women in the '30s presents an entirely different perspective on the art of the pin up. Book reviews, exhibitions and events, and more round out the issue!
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